As of September 23rd elektron-users has been replaced by Find out what this means here.

The Elektron-Users FAQ/Wiki is user owned and operated. Contributions are greatly appreciated. Registered users are encouraged to help make this a great resource.

How Do I...

The most common thread on this site after 4 years is, “How do I...”. This is from both new and veteran users. From basic, to advance, and even the bizarre it comes up again and again. Most of these queries have been asked before and answered.

Please click on the machine or topic that best summarizes your ‘How do I...’. Remember to always check your manual first, and stay up-to-date with addendums!

Tips & Tricks

Machinedrum Tips
Monomachine Tips
SidStation Tips
TurboMidi TM-1 Tips
General Tips
Tarekith's 'Tips & Tricks' - Compiled machinedrum document. GOOD!
tIB's 'Tips for Using the Monomachine' - Compiled monomachine document.
Next Level-More Tips and Tricks for the Machinedrum and Monomachine - MD and MNM document compiled by Veets, 2nd edition 2010.
Machinedrum Machine Dictionary - alphabetical list of MD machine control names and what they do.

Music/Sound Concepts

Brief guide to some interesting musical concepts, compositional approaches, sound/music theory etc.

* Polymetre

* Polyrhythm

Elektron-Users 'How To'

Science Labs



Elektron C6 - Sysex/Sample Tool
Snoize - Sysex Librarian Tool
MD Machine Lab - freeware Machinedrum editor (OS X)
Empty Magic - Machinedrum Performance tool (OS X & Windows) - Machinedrum Editor (Windows)
Ivity's MD Editor - Wonderful Max/MSP free Editor
Monome - Machinedrum Interface Page - Great studio and live functionality for the monome
Ruin & Wesen's - Machinedrum Notes - Adds tons of midi control such as polyphonic chords for the MD.


Elektron-Users - Elektron user community
Yahoo Elektron Group - Mailing List
Soundcloud Elektron Group - Songs created with Elektron machines
Tarekith's Machinedrum 'Tips & Tricks' - Compiled machinedrum document. GOOD!
Tarekith's Monomachine 'Tips & Tricks' - Compiled monomachine document. Also good!

start.txt (17436 views) · Last modified: 2013/09/23 21:05 by tIB

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