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Elektron-Users Elektron Forum Elektron Lounge Re:EU Album: MACHINE (1 viewing)
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Posts: 7925
tIB was here
EU Album: MACHINE 14 Years, 6 Months ago

Here is a quick run down of the key information for those who may have missed anything so far:

What it is the Machine project:

We decided to put together an album to celebrate the community, our music and the gear we make it on; machine is the result and the concept the album is set around.

How many tracks will there be

Fifteen, machine... they rhyme so thats set.

Who can join

Everyone registered at elektron users is both welcome and encouraged to submit; post counts, join dates or experience doesnt matter, we just want your tracks.

How to submit:

The deadline for track submission is the first of April... there will be no extensions so dont be an April fool and miss out (sorry couldnt resist).

When is it coming out?

Relaese date is July the 1st 2010

As well as throughout this thread there is further info in the following threads and downloadables:

Track names:

Concept : ublished


Now, on with the thread, if you are intersted in contributing keep reading...


.............................................CONCEPT IN BRIEF.......................................................

We have decided to lose the idea of linking the Elektron machines to nature and ‘green’ issues, because they do not have a strong connection to Elektron as a company or to us in the context and usage of our Elektron machines. Within the concept we need to have a theme common to all Elektron users and a credible connection that really links us to our Elektron synthesizers and the music we make with them. This connection is Machines.

With the working-title ‘Machine’ we refer to our Elektron machines, but also to the wider metaphor of the machine.

The generic and simplified usage of the single word machines belies the immense impact machines have had on every facet of our civilization and, in this case specifically, our music. It also opens the concept up to endless interpretation; the compilation can be interpreted to be about Elektron machines, machine as collaborator/facilitator or machines as catalyst and muse for a fundamental restructuring of society (see introduction text).

We hope with this kind of multi-faceted concept that the compilation can simultaneously be an album for us as elektron-users, and also something for non-elektron users that are interested in electronic music or possibly our community.

For a more detailed overview of the machines concept, including suggested track names, please refer to the Machines downloadable.pdf in the files section.

(Here: )
Track names here:
collab thread here:

...................The criteria for track submission are simple:..........................

• Since we are an Elektron forum, these machines should feature prominently in the track. Let’s celebrate these machines that have brought us together as a community. The use of other manufactures machines is allowed, though the track selection committee will be looking for tracks that are ‘Elektron loud and proud’.

Collaboration is encouraged, since we are an online community of many artists we would like to encourage people to make links with other artists on the forum in the creation of any work submitted. While collaboration is not compulsory, again the track selection committee will be looking for work that has been born out of this approach.

• All work must be submitted no later than the 1st of April. There will be no extensions to this date under any circumstances. Following submission we are working on a tight timescale for selection, mastering and subsequently release.


........................machines at brownspace dot net...................................

Please send in mp3 format, nothing above 192kbps. If your track is selected we will need a higher quality master. If the are any issues with uploading please PM Kirlian.

Please use itunes or another program to provide all relevant details and tagging. We will need your eusers tag, real name, collaborators (if there are any) and gear used. feel free to include additional information such as a brief overview of how the track relates to the concept and/or selected title.

The projected release date for this project is projected on the 1st of July 2010. At this stage we are aiming for a digital release with donations going to an as yet undecided charity, the track count will be no more than 15.

I hope you are as excited about this project as we are,

tIB and kirlian

Many thanks to the concept team comprised of Toni, Nils and Liveseq for their fantastic work in consolidating and distilling a tremendous amount of information to find what we feel is a concept very relevant and dear to our elektron machine hearts. As we all know, pleasing all of the people all of the time is an insurmountable task. However, after reading through the concept they have created with the forum’s contributions, I think they might have done the impossible: I‘m sure you will agree that the end result of their hard work has given us a fantastic starting point for this project. Thanks again to all of you!
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Game & Watch
Posts: 3930
Re:EU Album: MACHINES 14 Years, 6 Months ago
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Posts: 34
Re:EU Album: MACHINES 14 Years, 6 Months ago
cool ...
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Posts: 141
Re:EU Album: MACHINES 14 Years, 6 Months ago
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King Koopa
Posts: 297
Re:EU Album: MACHINES 14 Years, 6 Months ago
that's good, i'm in
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Posts: 821
Re:EU Album: MACHINES 14 Years, 6 Months ago
props for sorting out a wicked sounding concept!
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Game & Watch
Posts: 2113
Re:EU Album: MACHINES 14 Years, 6 Months ago
Great stuff guys! Thanks for all your effort in getting this going. I love the concept.

Machine Nation!!!!!!
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Game & Watch
Posts: 2113
Re:EU Album: MACHINES 14 Years, 6 Months ago
Meant to ask, is there a track length restriction?
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Killer Beez
Posts: 1218
Re:EU Album: MACHINES 14 Years, 6 Months ago
Great introduction TIB!

Really excited to see what this board can bring to the table in terms of the tracks. The average talent-ratio per user seems to me pretty high Keep it hot people.
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Posts: 2839
Re:EU Album: MACHINES 14 Years, 6 Months ago
to all involved. love the final concept and co-sign refinements made.
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