TOS, your piece of advice led to something nice.
With only one RAMPLAY, I could achieve some timestretching and random rearrangement of grains. This is not a cloud yet, but it gives some hope after the first 30 minutes of lame sound
I'm going to post some SYSEX and/or audio example but for now, here are some settings -obviously tempo dependant. However, only the RAMPLAY track (and the optional low-attack-LFO track) need to be triggered.
Track 2: just for LFO purpose; LFO is modulating Tr10 START parameter.
Shapes: RAMP DOWN and RAMP UP.
Update: Free
Speed: 1
*Depth: 64
**Mix: 127=normal pla, 0=reverse normal speed (if speed=1; else, plays faster)
Track 6: optional, just for LFO purpose; used to get a softer attack, LFO modulates Tr10 volume.
Track 10: RAM PLAY machine.
PITCH: to taste!
HOLD: enough to allow re-triggering.
**END: 128
RETRIG TIME: to taste, determines the grain size
*LFO modulates START parameter with a random shape.
SPEED: 127 so that it's faster than RETRIG TIME
UPDATE: free
DEPTH:to taste
*MIX: full random
Track 14: CTRL-8P machine for control convenience
P1: Tr2 LFOM --> timestretch
P2: Tr2 LFOS --> speed factor for timestretch
P3: Tr10 LFOD --> time jitter
P4: Tr10 RTRIG TIME -->grain duration
* These parameters are referenced by the CTRL-8P machine.
** These values shall stay constant.